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Lancy Dental Centre - gum care


Gum care

Periodontology is a discipline of dentistry that deals with the care of all the tissues around and supporting the tooth:

the gum, the bone, the tissue that surrounds the dental root (called "cementum") on which the ligament (called "alveolo-dental") that connects the tooth to the bone is attached.

Periodontal diseases are known in common parlance as "tooth decay". Most periodontal lesions are chronic, progress slowly and are imperceptible to the patient. Clinical signs are generally ignored or considered normal. By the time the disease becomes visible, it is already at an advanced stage. Today, 50% of adults suffer from periodontal disease.

The care

Dentists at the Lancy Dental Centre treat periodontal disease. However, the action of the dentist alone is limited because it is only through close collaboration between the practitioner and the patient that tooth loosening processes can be stopped.

Indeed the healing process requires the patient to make a certain effort from the point of view of oral hygiene in addition to the specific treatments carried out by the Dentist. Brushing twice a day is essential and regular scaling is recommended in consultation with the Dental Hygienist.

Aesthetic gum treatments

Some aesthetic defects of the oral cavity can be treated with gum grafts. The graft consists, under local anaesthesia, of removing a piece of gum from one area of the mouth (usually the palate) and grafting it to another area.

Gingival graft and recovery of a gum recession

Some gum recessions can be treated by covering the denudation of the tooth root with a gum graft. The procedure is as follows:

periodontology - lancy dental center

Before the transplant

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Carrying out the graft

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After healing

After about ten days, the healing is already well advanced. A few weeks or even months are sometimes necessary to achieve complete healing and a definitive aesthetic result. Depending on the case, the recession of the gum can be completely or partially covered.