
+41 22 793 75 45

Our opening hours

Mon.-Thu. 8am-7pm, Fri. 8am-6pm, Sat. 8.30am-1pm


Our specialised dental care for children

Personalized support

At Centre Dentaire Lancy, you'll find gentle, specialized dentists who can provide specialized dental care for children. They'll advise you on how to care for your child's teeth. Our dentists will also give you various suggestions to remedy any problems that may arise at an early stage.

child care at the Lancy Dental Centre
child care Lancy Dental Centre

As a general rule, we recommend a first dental check-up at 6 months of age, or before the child's first birthday. Did you know that the 20 milk teeth are already present in the jaw at birth? And these milk teeth begin to erupt through the gums at around 6 months. Taking care of them is important, especially in view of the emergence of permanent teeth from age 6 onwards.

From the age of 2, the aim is to detect early childhood caries or any other problem linked to the child's development and growth. Appointments at an early age help to tame the child to dental visits, establish a relationship of trust and set up a prevention program. Your child will be able to look forward to future visits without apprehension, and will even look forward to them.